Outdoor Pools Are Open
Photo by Richard Becker/Link
Granddaughters Kelly Hagen, left, and Rachel Easter find a great way to celebrate the day while visiting grandma Carol Van Blake. The three headed to the Pinnacle outdoor swimming pool Monday to celebrate the opening of Sun City's outdoor pool season. Be sure to check Page 22 of the April Link for the outdoor pool schedule, and be sure to mark Saturday, April 13, on your calendar when the Health & Fitness Department celebrates pool season with a free cookout. The event is open to the first 100 residents who register with a Social Monitor. Find more details on Page 22 of the April Link.
Band Jam Club to Offer Saturday Soundtrack at Art Show
Photos by Jeannette Carrillo/Link
Sun City club members jump in and help one another all the time, and that’s the spirt members of the Band Jam Club will have this weekend when they play backup to the Art Club’s annual fine arts show at Desert Vista. While visitors meander the aisles of artwork, they will be entertained by the sounds of piano, guitar and stand-up bass delivered in superior style. During the Art Show, which will hold its award ceremony on Saturday at 11 a.m., guests will get a chance to meet ribbon winners and ask them about their creations. While at the show, guests will get to vote on the popular People’s Choice winner, visit with their friends and neighbors, enjoy refreshments, buy art and enjoy demonstrations. There also will be a raffle for paintings donated by the Club’s professional instructors. The Art Show continues on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Place Your Garage Sale Ad in the Link for Free
If you are planning to have a garage sale during the two weekends Sun City has set aside for its annual sales (Friday and Saturday, May 17-18, and May 31 to June 1), the Link would like to help you have a successful event. From today through next Tuesday, April 9, the Link is offering residents free classified ads to help advertise their sales. The ads will appear in the May issue of the Link, as well as online at Suncitylink.com. While we cannot publish photos of items for sale in the magazine, we can post up to four pictures online. After April 9, residents may continue to place free garage sale classifieds online, with the cutoff being the day before the sale. All classified ads must be placed in person at the Link office at Mountain Shadows. Be prepared to show your Association ID card.
Spring Watering Schedule in Effect
SCSCAI’s Landscape Department has changed the community watering schedule to spring watering times. Please be advised that all watering will take place at night. Turf will be watered on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday as needed; drip will be watered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, again as needed.