2018 Health Fair: Inside Vendors, Outside Test Rides Spell Success for Annual Event
Pedego Electric Bikes representative Brad Matos instructs Randy Broome how to work the bike’s gears. Lynda Brandt comes in from a test ride. Video by Stu Gershon/Link.
Last Saturday morning I was in the Desert Vista Fitness Center and a gentleman walked in. From across the room a woman called out, “Henry, how are your kidney stones?” Was that a way to start the day in our senior retirement community or what? It’s normal conversation around here, but it also reminded me that I had to cover our annual Health Fair, happening in the next building over.
As I started down the corridor to the ballroom I saw a line of about 50 people lining up for the shot clinic. Their wait wasn’t long because there were about 15 technicians administering the flu and pneumonia shots.
At about 9:30 a.m. there were already about 200 people visiting the various vendor booths that included assisted-living communities, nursing homes, a 24-hour emergency room and even a table from City Hall with Las Vegas City Councilman Stavros Anthony greeting residents and answering questions.
Three three members of our Fitness Department staff, Director Pam Shields, and Jessie Miles and Charli Douglass stood under an arc of balloons calling out raffle numbers to present to prizes to lucky residents. For the first time I can recall, an outdoor exhibit was set up. Under a tent, Pedego Electric Bikes featured attendants managing a test ride course where residents got a chance to take the bikes out for a spin.
According to Pam Shields, the fair welcomed more than 500 attendees. The parking lot was packed, the ballroom was packed and the shot clinic line was getting long and moving steadily. Pam later confirmed that 415 flu shots were administered.
“We wanted to create a bright, energetic space for the residents to enjoy their interaction with the vendors,” Pam said. “They also seemed to really appreciate being able to try out the electric bikes. The team put in a lot of work and we definitely reaped the benefits.”
As I started down the corridor to the ballroom I saw a line of about 50 people lining up for the shot clinic. Their wait wasn’t long because there were about 15 technicians administering the flu and pneumonia shots.
At about 9:30 a.m. there were already about 200 people visiting the various vendor booths that included assisted-living communities, nursing homes, a 24-hour emergency room and even a table from City Hall with Las Vegas City Councilman Stavros Anthony greeting residents and answering questions.
Three three members of our Fitness Department staff, Director Pam Shields, and Jessie Miles and Charli Douglass stood under an arc of balloons calling out raffle numbers to present to prizes to lucky residents. For the first time I can recall, an outdoor exhibit was set up. Under a tent, Pedego Electric Bikes featured attendants managing a test ride course where residents got a chance to take the bikes out for a spin.
According to Pam Shields, the fair welcomed more than 500 attendees. The parking lot was packed, the ballroom was packed and the shot clinic line was getting long and moving steadily. Pam later confirmed that 415 flu shots were administered.
“We wanted to create a bright, energetic space for the residents to enjoy their interaction with the vendors,” Pam said. “They also seemed to really appreciate being able to try out the electric bikes. The team put in a lot of work and we definitely reaped the benefits.”
Clockwise from top left, SCSCAI Fitness Specialists Charli Douglass, left, and Jessie Miles, surround Fitness Director Pam Shields on the Desert Vista Ballroom stage; residents enjoy meeting vendors and learning about new health and fitness products; Gail Grundy gets a flu shot from Manish Kumar of Von’s vaccination clinic. Photos by Stu Gershon/Link.
Murder Mystery Dinner a Blast
Video by Stu Gershon/Link
On Saturday, September 22, The Summit tried something different, a Murder Mystery Dinner. About 70 residents, representing a full house, were entertained by seven professional actors starring in a murderous presentation. Some of the audience members mixed in with the actors and played parts in solving the murder. Each table had either an actor or a resident. My wife, Beth, was selected to play the part of Mary-Katelen Ashlee, who set the scene. Before the play started, our table was briefed by a member of the cast. Each character was given a script/instructions to present to their table and one of the professionals came over to explain the rules. Our character/mentor was “Ooh-la-la,” the French maid. She turned out to be a secret F.B.I. Agent. After the host set the scene, the audience was given a break to have a buffet dinner and then the action continued on with the deaths of two of the characters. At each break, members of each team would go to another table (with phony money) and try to bribe information out of the character (at that table). While dessert was being served, the teams (tables) wrote down whom they thought was the murderer and the reasons why. Our table was one of three that selected the real killer. It was a lot of fun and the food was good. Dinner featured a served salad and roll, followed by a buffet with meat, chicken and fish entrees, plus vegetables, potatoes and a surprise dessert. Soft drinks and coffee were included. Upon leaving The Summit I heard a woman declare, “I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time!”
Beth Gershon as Mary-Katelen Ashlee; Ooh La La gives instructions to diners on how to play the murder mystery game; residents enjoy the show; June Evans offers a sneak peek at the buffet before the event gets underway.
Classic Film Friday
Gloria Ouano welcomes residents to an informal classic film group she’s organized at the Starbright Theatre. Photo by Stu Gershon/Link.
On Friday, September 21, a group of residents organized as a classic film group gathered to watch the 1962 courtroom drama “To Kill a Mockingbird” at The Starbright Theatre. The film is part of the Starbright Theatre’s free film series. Nearly 40 people attended the showing. After the movie, everyone in the group was invited to meet for lunch at The Summit Restaurant to enjoy a bite and critique the movie. Residents, who started lunch around 1 p.m., talked until 3 p.m. It was a great way to spend an afternoon.
The next movie scheduled for the informal meeting is Friday, October 12, where the movie will be “The Birds,” by Alfred Hitchcock. After that, the classic film group plans to meet on the third Friday of the month at 11 a.m. Be sure to check the Link for the coming attraction.
The next movie scheduled for the informal meeting is Friday, October 12, where the movie will be “The Birds,” by Alfred Hitchcock. After that, the classic film group plans to meet on the third Friday of the month at 11 a.m. Be sure to check the Link for the coming attraction.
October Garage Sales Set for Oct. 12-13 and 19-20
SCSCAI’s Board of Directors unanimously approved the dates for the fall garage sales to be held at residents’ homes. The dates are Friday and Saturday, October 12-13 and 19-20, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. As in past years, residents may advertise their sales throughout the community, and are asked to remove their directional signs, boxes and flags at the end of their sales. The October Link will feature a special Garage Sale section on the classified ads page. Ads are priced at a flat fee of $5. Ads also will run online, where up to four photos are permitted. Ads published in the magazine DO NOT contain photos. For more information on advertising your garage sale, call Sharon at 702-966-1434.
Link Sends Out a Call for Veterans

If you are a veteran of the United States armed services, the Link would like to know your name and branch of service. The magazine is working on a special project for the November issue and we need your help. Please send your information to [email protected]. Thank you for your service.
Are You Ready for National Night Out?
The Neighborhood Watch/Community Preparedness Committee will present National Night Out next week on Tuesday, October 2, 5-7 p.m., on the Desert Vista parking lot. The event is part of a national partnership among the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and communities across the country to take a stand for neighborhood safety. Join your friends and get to know your neighbors during this outdoor fete. Enjoy music, hot dogs, chips, cookies, soda and more as Sun City comes together to celebrate community spirit. “We’re putting a lot of fun and safety fundamentals on a jam-packed, two-hour menu for Sun City’s National Night Out extravaganza,” said Sandy Krause, NNO sub-committee chairwoman. “NNO should be marked on everyone’s special events calendar.
Register Now for the Chili Throwdown
Whether you are a great home cook, or at least fancy yourself one, consider putting your culinary skills to the test against 28 of Sun City’s finest chefs when the Residents’ Forum presents its third annual Chili Challenge. The event takes place Wednesday, October 10, 7-8:30 p.m., at Desert Vista. Spicy, con carne, with beans or creamy, it’s all about the chili and you get to pick the winner. Each resident gets a ticket at the door that represents their vote. To put you chili on the line, contact Julie Zerbel at 512-775-1309 or [email protected].