The dates for community bulk trash pickup featured on Page 22 of the February Link are incorrect. Republic Service trucks pick up bulk trash twice a month on Tuesdays. This month’s pickup dates are February 4 and February 18. Landscape trimmings and other large items may be placed in separate bags at curbside for pickup. Residents are reminded that all trash cans must be brought back up to your house by 7 p.m. on the day of service.
Thank you to those residents who called the Link to report the error. As always, if you spot a mistake in the magazine that needs correction, don't hesitate to call us at 702-966-1436, or email [email protected]. The Link corrects its mistakes.
Thank you to those residents who called the Link to report the error. As always, if you spot a mistake in the magazine that needs correction, don't hesitate to call us at 702-966-1436, or email [email protected]. The Link corrects its mistakes.
Sun City staffers, from left, are Jose Lombera, Salvador Chavez, Marciano Olvia (foreperson), Jose Nevarez, Nelson Martinez, Todd Jackson, Ivan Martinez and Claudio Castillo (kneeling in front).
Sun City Summerlin Landscape crew members took a break from a beautification project at the Palm Valley Golf Course on Friday for the Link to snap a photo of their efforts. Crew members were wrapping up planting and placing irrigation lines in the area facing Echo Mesa Drive at the southeast corner of the Palm Valley Golf Course parking lot. According to SCSCAI Landscape Director Louis Darling, the project is a result of the removal of four pine trees that were damaged during the Palm Valley irrigation project last summer. Louis explained that the root systems of the pine trees had been impacted to the point where he was uncertain whether the trees would remain stable in a high wind situation. The rehab project was approved by the Common Area Properties Committee, the Architectural Review Committee and the Southern Nevada Water Authority. The work will qualify Sun City for a Water Authority rebate.
The plants and trees that will soon bloom in the area are Acacias, regal mist grasses, yellow bells, xyloma, desert ice plants, Japanese holly, lantana and Russian sage.
The plants and trees that will soon bloom in the area are Acacias, regal mist grasses, yellow bells, xyloma, desert ice plants, Japanese holly, lantana and Russian sage.
Jeannette Carrillo/Link
According to Diane Hawley of Sun City, Cocoa loves his Link blanket so much he fell fast asleep into its comfy folds as soon as she unpacked it. “You all did a wonderful job today,” she emailed the magazine’s managing editor shortly after returning home from the advertising expo on January 18. Residents who attended the Link’s annual event received a logoed throw as a thank you for coming out and celebrating the morning with the publication’s advertisers. Blankets were provided on a first-come, first-served basis to the nearly 400 visitors through the door.
If you want to show us how much you love your Link throw, snap a photo and email it to us at [email protected].
If you want to show us how much you love your Link throw, snap a photo and email it to us at [email protected].