Drop Off Hazardous Materials at Mountain Shadows
The annual Hazardous Waste Collection sponsored by Las Vegas City Councilman Stavros Anthony will be held in the parking lot at Mountain Shadows, in front of the fitness center entrance on Saturday, December 9. The event is scheduled from 10 a.m. to noon. In addition to unused paint and other household chemicals, used motor oil, and cell phones and other computer equipment, the event will have a drop-off for expired prescription medications.
12 Residents to Run in SCSCAI Board of Directors' Election
A dozen residents confirmed their declaration to run for five open seats in the 2018 election of Sun City Summerlin’s Board of Directors. They are:
1 - Karl Wiedemann
2 - Bruce Alitt
3 - Barbara Holden
4 - Gerry Sokolski
5 - Dick Gluch
6 - Ellen Bachman
7 - Michael Obradovich
8 - Mitch Fadem
9 - Marsha Klein
10 – David Putney
11 - Leo Crawford
12 - Jeffery Rorick
Residents will have a chance to meet the candidates during the Residents’ Forum’s annual Meet the Candidates Night on Wednesday, January 10. Mark your calendar for the event, which is scheduled from 7-9 p.m. at Desert Vista. All residents are encouraged to bring their questions for the candidates as there will be an open Q&A moderated by Las Vegas City Councilman Stavros Anthony.
1 - Karl Wiedemann
2 - Bruce Alitt
3 - Barbara Holden
4 - Gerry Sokolski
5 - Dick Gluch
6 - Ellen Bachman
7 - Michael Obradovich
8 - Mitch Fadem
9 - Marsha Klein
10 – David Putney
11 - Leo Crawford
12 - Jeffery Rorick
Residents will have a chance to meet the candidates during the Residents’ Forum’s annual Meet the Candidates Night on Wednesday, January 10. Mark your calendar for the event, which is scheduled from 7-9 p.m. at Desert Vista. All residents are encouraged to bring their questions for the candidates as there will be an open Q&A moderated by Las Vegas City Councilman Stavros Anthony.
Attracting the Next Generations to Sun City
How will Sun City Summerlin attract the next generations to our community? What will future residents look for when they consider moving to SCS? These questions inspired two current residents, Wendy Bowles and Dolly Mack, to develop an approach for finding out. They held three focus groups in October, interviewed several real estate professionals, and will be conducting an Electronic Focus Group online questionnaire in January 2018 for ALL residents to provide input. SCSCAI Board Member Barbara Holden and SCSCAI Executive Director Mitzi Mills are working closely with Dolly and Wendy. Watch for more information about this effort in the Link.
December Summit Restaurant Closures
The Summit Restaurant will be closed on the following dates at the times listed. Please note there may be additional closures as events can be booked at any time. To determine if The Summit is open when you plan to visit, call the Social Monitor at the Pinnacle Community Center at 702-240-1301.
The Summit dining menu is always available at The Summit Snack Bar, accessed via the south Snack Bar entrance, daily from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Summit’s main dining room is open to the public daily from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. when closures are not scheduled.
An alternate dining choice is Tavern at the Falls at the Highland Falls Golf Course. The kitchen is open Sunday through Tuesday, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Wednesday to Saturday, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The Summit dining menu is always available at The Summit Snack Bar, accessed via the south Snack Bar entrance, daily from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Summit’s main dining room is open to the public daily from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. when closures are not scheduled.
An alternate dining choice is Tavern at the Falls at the Highland Falls Golf Course. The kitchen is open Sunday through Tuesday, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Wednesday to Saturday, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Sun City Staff Enjoys a Great Holiday Lunch
All Sun City employees were invited to celebrate this holiday season with their manager/supervisor, Executive Director Mitzi Mills and the Board of Directors on Friday, December 1, at Desert Vista. “The Human Resource Department could not have succeeded without the help of the many employees from other departments,” said SCSCAI Human Resource Manager Cindy Servello. “We truly appreciate the employees of Sun City and the work they perform daily. We enjoyed a meal together and monetary drawings. Twenty employees won either $50 or $100, totaling $1,500. Everyone had plenty to eat and had a great time.”
Jeannette Carrillo/Link
The Link Corrects Mistakes

The December issue of the Link included several errors it wishes to correct for residents. We apologize for any inconvenience/s these mistakes may have caused. The Link corrects errors and encourages residents to bring them to the magazine’s attention. Please notify the Link at 702-966-1436.
Club Listings -- Pages 43-65
This one has got us positively boggled. It appears that nearly every “6” throughout the club listings, whether the digit appeared in a telephone number, a time or a date, reverted to a “5.” A few clubs seemed to have escaped the error – Aquacize, Ladies Executive Golf, Men’s 18’Holers, Residents’ Forum and RV. However, in all other instances that should have been a “6,” published as a “5.”
Please be aware and notify your club members if you have an event scheduled on December 6, 16 or 26, or with a start time of 6 p.m. All these instances changed to a “5.”
Fortunately, the Club Directory on Pages 50-51 remain correct. So, if you need to contact a club’s president, please refer to the directory for the correct telephone number and/or event date.
The dance party on page 12 incorrectly included information about a bus pick up and drop off at the Pinnacle under the event heading. This is an error as the DANCE, DANCE, DANCE party will take place at Desert Vista. The dance is scheduled for Saturday, January 20, 7 p.m., inside the Desert Vista ballroom.
CCOC Committee: Lots of Changes Coming to Club Charters -- Page 26
The first paragraph incorrectly reported “At the December Board of Directors’ meeting, a number of changes were proffered to change the CCOC Procedures Manual.” In fact, the changes were offered at the November CCOC Committee meeting and are planned to be presented at the December Board of Directors’ meeting for final approval.
Club Listings -- Pages 43-65
This one has got us positively boggled. It appears that nearly every “6” throughout the club listings, whether the digit appeared in a telephone number, a time or a date, reverted to a “5.” A few clubs seemed to have escaped the error – Aquacize, Ladies Executive Golf, Men’s 18’Holers, Residents’ Forum and RV. However, in all other instances that should have been a “6,” published as a “5.”
Please be aware and notify your club members if you have an event scheduled on December 6, 16 or 26, or with a start time of 6 p.m. All these instances changed to a “5.”
Fortunately, the Club Directory on Pages 50-51 remain correct. So, if you need to contact a club’s president, please refer to the directory for the correct telephone number and/or event date.
The dance party on page 12 incorrectly included information about a bus pick up and drop off at the Pinnacle under the event heading. This is an error as the DANCE, DANCE, DANCE party will take place at Desert Vista. The dance is scheduled for Saturday, January 20, 7 p.m., inside the Desert Vista ballroom.
CCOC Committee: Lots of Changes Coming to Club Charters -- Page 26
The first paragraph incorrectly reported “At the December Board of Directors’ meeting, a number of changes were proffered to change the CCOC Procedures Manual.” In fact, the changes were offered at the November CCOC Committee meeting and are planned to be presented at the December Board of Directors’ meeting for final approval.