Pet Blessing Set for Thursday, 10 a.m.
Photo by John Asay
Join the volunteers of Saint Andrew Lutheran Church, 8901 Del Webb Blvd., as they celebrate furry family members small and tall on Thursday, October 4, 10 a.m. to noon. The event takes place in the parking lot behind the church. This annual gathering is open to all faiths and has become quite a celebration of fun and friendship.
Last Chance to Register for Chili Challenge
There are only a few coveted spots left for this year’s eagerly anticipated Chili Challenge sponsored by the Residents’ Forum. This year, by popular demand, the Forum has opened up the challenge to all residents and clubs to do battle against Sun City’s Board of Directors and staff. If you think your chili has what it takes to be the best, come try to claim the trophy! Winners are decided by a vote by those in attendance.
The Residents’ Forum Chili Challenge is set for Wednesday, October 10, 7 p.m., at Desert Vista. To register yourself or your club’s recipe, contact Julie Zerbel at 512-775-1309 or [email protected].
The Residents’ Forum Chili Challenge is set for Wednesday, October 10, 7 p.m., at Desert Vista. To register yourself or your club’s recipe, contact Julie Zerbel at 512-775-1309 or [email protected].
NPA Honors Link for Ad Design
From left, Link Managing Editor Jeannette Carrillo, Advertising Coordinator Sharon Bishop and Committee Volunteer Bob Cohen. Photo by John Asay.
The Link Magazine, Sun City Summerlin’s Official monthly notification to residents, took home third place for ad design in the 2018 Nevada Press Association’s Better Newspaper/Magazine Contest on Saturday at Palace Station. Link Managing Editor Jeannette Carrillo; Advertising Coordinator Sharon Bishop; and Link Committee Volunteer Bob Cohen attended the annual banquet, where 24 magazine awards were presented to publications in categories ranging from Best Feature Photo to Best Ad Series and Best Profile/Interview to Best Special Project. In all, more than 150 awards were presented for general excellence to publications throughout the state.
“The Link is very excited to participate in NPA and its annual convention,” said Jeannette Carrillo. “The magazine is two for two now for awards, having been accepted into NPA in 2017. As the magazine continues to grow, the Link staff and volunteers pledge to continue the tradition of excellence we’ve created, reporting on the Nevada’s largest homeowners’ association.”
“The Link is very excited to participate in NPA and its annual convention,” said Jeannette Carrillo. “The magazine is two for two now for awards, having been accepted into NPA in 2017. As the magazine continues to grow, the Link staff and volunteers pledge to continue the tradition of excellence we’ve created, reporting on the Nevada’s largest homeowners’ association.”
CORRECTION: 'Divas3' Set for Saturday, November 17
Please note that the “Divas3” show is scheduled to take place Saturday, November 17, 7 p.m., at the Starbright Theatre. Page 41 of the October Link noted the wrong day of the week. The Link corrects mistakes. If you find an error in the magazine, bring it to the attention of Jeannette Carrillo, Link managing editor, at [email protected].
October Garage Sales Set for Oct. 12-13 and 19-20
SCSCAI’s Board of Directors unanimously approved the dates for the fall garage sales to be held at residents’ homes. The dates are Friday and Saturday, October 12-13 and 19-20, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. As in past years, residents may advertise their sales throughout the community, and are asked to remove their directional signs, boxes and flags at the end of their sales. The October Link will feature a special Garage Sale section on the classified ads page. Ads are priced at a flat fee of $5. Ads also will run online, where up to four photos are permitted. Ads published in the magazine DO NOT contain photos. For more information on advertising your garage sale, call Sharon at 702-966-1434.